Lifelong Learning Workshops

Workshop Image

I have been designing, developing and facilitating learning (workshops) for many years around various subject matter such as: Communication– an essential skill for participating successfully in life; Leadership– exploring key leader characteristics; and Wellness– what makes us well, what keeps us well and how do we know we are well? Wellness has always been a […]

A Journaling Circle

Back in the 16th Century a gathering of people for an exchange of ideas or learning was known as a salon. During these gatherings the participants would amuse one another through story and experience to assist the group to increase their knowledge through conversation. The early gatherings consciously followed the Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus, […]

Long Table Learning Lunches

What is the one thing we women do really well when it comes to sorting issues and building relationship? Lunch. We do lunch. I have written about this previously in a story titled The Fellowship of Females. Lunch with our mates (often referred to as tribe) whether just one other or 20 others is something […]

Wellness Starter Workshop

Wellness Wheel

Our recent Wellness Starter Workshop held in Toodyay, exploring the 9 Dimensions was absolutely fabulous. The participants chose the AvonLink Train Service as their preferred mode of travel and enjoyed the scenic and relaxing journey through the Avon Valley. The train leaves from the East Perth terminal where plenty of parking is available, then you […]


Wellness Image

Everything we do revolves around live, work and play; and ultimately provides the measure of our overall wellness. Live: The live aspect looks at your physical health; how well are you? How fit are you? What food do you eat? Are you free from disease and illness? Is your body at optimum weight? How much […]

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