
Transformative Learning for Self-Awareness

Lifelong learning isn’t just about accumulating facts; it’s also learning about you; discovering who you are, becoming self aware. It’s about understanding your values, strengths, and weaknesses. When you know yourself, you can build better relationships and lead a more fulfilling life.

“You can’t build relationships with others until you figure out your relationship with you.”

This simple yet profound idea underpins our approach to personal development and lifelong learning.

The Role of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is essential. It means understanding your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. When you are self-aware, you understand why you do what you do and how to navigate challenges more effectively.

The 9 Dimensions of Wellness

To guide this journey, explore the 9 Dimensions of Wellness:

Wheel of life
  1. Physical: Stay active and eat well.
  2. Creative: Express yourself through creativity.
  3. Financial: Manage your money wisely.
  4. Environmental: Live in harmony with your surroundings.
  5. Occupational: Find satisfaction in your work.
  6. Spiritual: Seek meaning and purpose.
  7. Intellectual: Keep learning and challenging yourself.
  8. Social: Build strong, supportive relationships.
  9. Emotional: Manage your emotions effectively.

Transformative Learning and Personal Growth

Transformative learning changes how you see yourself and the world. It’s about questioning your assumptions and beliefs, leading to profound growth.

The Jungian Model: Self, Psyche, and Persona

Carl Jung’s model of the Self, Psyche, and Persona offers deep insights into our inner world. The Self is the core of our personality, encompassing both conscious and unconscious parts. The Psyche is our inner world of thoughts and feelings, while the Persona is the mask we wear in social interactions.

NOTE: We explore Jung and his model in our— The Spiritual YOU —online learning program.

Exploring the 9 Dimensions of Wellness helps integrate our Self, Psyche, and Persona. This leads to greater authenticity and fulfillment.

Take our Wellness Quiz and peek at our starter program below and see if it resonates. It’s a great piece of learning to get your learning journey started.

Let your Learning Journey Begin

Welcome to The 9-Dimensions – Wheel of Life. This is your starter program for exploring all aspects of YOU, leading to overall wellness and creating the life you desire. This course delves into the parts of you that make up the whole you, recognising that each aspect of life needs to be nourished for you to create the life you desire. Embark on an exciting exploration of life with us. Join now and take the first step towards your holistic wellness journey.
9 dimensions of wellness

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

2 responses to “How Learning About You Transforms Your life

  1. I have only recently discovered the benefits of really exploring myself and now developing self-awareness. It really is a powerful learning pathway to undertake. Great piece, thank you.

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