We become what we think about

We become what we think about, is a phrase that has resonated through self-help literature and motivational speeches throughout time, yet its essence is bigger than mere words. It dives deeply into the core of our being and hints at the transformative potential within.

Let’s dissect this idea through the following model co-created with my long time friend and colleague Donna McGeorge:

The Trinity of Faith Belief Knowing


Fear is a powerful force in our minds, often dictating our actions without us realising it. It can limit our potential and keep us from pursuing our goals. By recognising and addressing our fears, we can break free from these limitations. This awareness allows us to confront fear head-on and make conscious decisions that lead to personal growth and change.


Awareness brings hope. When we start to listen to our inner dialogue, we begin to see possibilities beyond our fears. Hope acts as a guide, helping us navigate through uncertainty with a sense of optimism. It’s the belief that there is a brighter future ahead, giving us the courage to move forward despite our fears.


From hope, we transition to faith. Faith is the unwavering belief in the potential for positive outcomes. It’s the confidence that our journey has meaning and purpose. With faith, we take bold steps into the unknown, trusting that we are on the right path and that good things are possible.


Faith leads to belief. Belief is the strong conviction that our goals and dreams are achievable. It’s the foundation on which we build our aspirations. With belief, we adopt a mindset of possibility, approaching our future with confidence and determination.


Finally, we reach knowing. Knowing is a state of complete certainty in the positive potential of our lives. It’s the understanding that our thoughts and attitudes shape our reality. When we truly know that good things are possible, we align our actions and behaviors with this truth, creating the outcomes we desire.

Here’s the kicker:

Knowing solidifies our beliefs into reality. Our thoughts influence our actions, and our actions shape our lives. When we know with certainty that our lives can be good, we naturally align our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours to create that reality. This isn’t just about hope or faith; it’s about understanding the powerful connection between our mindset and our experiences.

In essence, the journey from fear to knowing is a testament to the transformative power of our thoughts. As we dare to embrace hope, cultivate faith, and nurture belief, we unlock the infinite potential that resides within us.

And in the timeless wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn, we find validation of this truth: “Your word is your wand.”

Just as she professed, our thoughts, beliefs, and knowing are the incantations that wield the power to shape our destinies, summoning forth the reality we dare to imagine.

The moral to this story: change your thoughts and you change your life.

Contact Di to explore opportunities to move from fear to knowing through our online wellness programs.