In the words of an old Stephen Covey adage —
“Trust is the glue that holds relationships together.”

It’s a sentiment deeply ingrained in our collective understanding of human connections, but what exactly does trust entail? To unpack this concept, let’s take a look at the intricate layers of trust, viewing it not just as a singular entity, but as a triple assessment that underpins our interactions.

Trust is a Triple Assessment

At its core, trust is a delicate mix of sincerity, reliability, and competence. When we extend trust—or conversely, harbour distrust—we’re essentially evaluating these three critical components.

1. Sincerity: It’s about aligning words with intentions, ensuring that what is said in public resonates authentically with private thoughts. Imagine a scenario where someone speaks about their values and beliefs, yet their actions tell a different story. In such instances, our trust is eroded, as the discrepancy between rhetoric and reality leaves us questioning the sincerity of their intentions.

2. Reliability: Trust is also contingent upon past behaviour. It’s about assessing whether someone has consistently delivered on their promises in the past. When we encounter individuals who have repeatedly failed to follow through on their commitments, our confidence in their reliability wanes, casting doubt on their ability to uphold their word in the future.

3. Competence: Lastly, trust hinges on competence—the assurance that someone possesses the skills and capabilities to fulfil their obligations. It’s akin to entrusting a task to someone based on their demonstrated expertise and track record of success. When we lack confidence in someone’s ability to execute a task effectively, our trust in their competence diminishes, leaving us hesitant to rely on them.

Sincerity + Reliability + Competence = Trust

In essence, trust is a multifaceted assessment that operates at the intersection of sincerity, reliability, and competence. It’s not merely a blind leap of faith, but a nuanced evaluation based on observable behaviours and actions. By honing our ability to discern these three dimensions of trust, we cultivate stronger, more resilient relationships built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

As we navigate the intricacies of human connection, let’s remember that trust is not just a passive assumption, but an active assessment—an ongoing dialogue between expectation and experience. By fostering sincerity, reliability, and competence in our interactions, we contribute to the strengthening of the invisible bond that sustains relationships—the bond of trust.

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