The physical YOU is an extremely important aspect of your total well-being; it enables your body to thrive throughout your entire life. Your body is your temple and needs to be treated with respect.

The Physical YOU

Physical fitness helps all the body systems function at their best and is important for the prevention of major diseases. It also boosts energy, helps reduce stress, and benefits emotional well-being. Obesity results from a lack of exercise as well as overeating, and places you at the risk of developing diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and other diseases.

What you eat and drink provides energy for cell growth, maintenance, and repair, and for physical and mental activity. A diet low in fats and high in fibre, fruits, and vegetables can protect against disease. Junk and processed foods are low in fibre and high in fats, added sugars, and chemical additives. Fad diets may take weight off, but are difficult to maintain and any weight lost is quickly regained.

Read my story on the Diet Conundrum here …

Let your Learning Journey Begin

Welcome to The 9-Dimensions – Wheel of Life. This is your starter program for exploring all aspects of YOU, leading to overall wellness and creating the life you desire. This course delves into the parts of you that make up the whole you, recognising that each aspect of life needs to be nourished for you to create the life you desire. Embark on an exciting exploration of life with us. Join now and take the first step towards your holistic wellness journey.
9 dimensions of wellness

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts


The Physical YOU keeps your body at its maximum capacity over the entire lifespan; through diet, hydration, sleep, moderate to vigorous exercise and limiting use of tobacco, drugs and alcohol.