Intellectual wellness involves your ability to engage in critical thinking, think clearly and assess situations realistically. You are informed and subscribe to the notion of lifelong learning.

Intellectual you

That is, you understand that one crack at learning doesn’t serve you forever, so even after you leave school or graduate university you seek out opportunities to learn, formally and informally.

You are able to demonstrate interest and pay attention to people, situations and events around you and seek to understand first, and then be understood.

Your intellectual wellness needs be nourished and exercised regularly. Do this through activities that increase your knowledge. Seek out new ideas, challenges and maintain curiosity in the world around you.

Here are ten (10) things you can do right now to nourish your intellectual dimension:

  1. Read books, magazines, newspapers and journals.
  2. Keep abreast of current issues and new ideas
  3. Attend seminars and courses in topics of interest to you
  4. Undertake a new course of study at school or university
  5. Challenge yourself to see life from another perspective
  6. Learn to play a musical instrument or learn a new language
  7. Take up a new skill such as cooking, dancing or golf
  8. Journal lots
  9. Stretch your brain. Play Bridge or Wordle, do a crossword or Sudoku puzzle
  10. Read more, engage with social media (always good for no. 4)
  11. Listen more

Let your Learning Journey Begin

Welcome to The 9-Dimensions – Wheel of Life. This is your starter program for exploring all aspects of YOU, leading to overall wellness and creating the life you desire. This course delves into the parts of you that make up the whole you, recognising that each aspect of life needs to be nourished for you to create the life you desire. Embark on an exciting exploration of life with us. Join now and take the first step towards your holistic wellness journey.
9 dimensions of wellness

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts


The intellectual YOU values education, is open to new ideas, thinks critically, is creative, curious and engages in lifelong learning to increase knowledge, develop moral reasoning, foster critical thinking and expand world views.